Nightly builds for 2.0.4

• Nov 26, 2016 - 07:56

Are there any nightly builds planned for 2.0.4?


It will be called 2.1, and yes, we plan to make nightly builds available ASAP but for the moment:

1. On Linux, the packaging with AppImage is completely broken and so it needs some love to get fixed.
2. On Windows, I really really want to get rid of our nightly server and use AppVeyor but so far no one cracked the nut and I had no time to figure it out.
3. On Mac OSX, I also want to get rid of our nightly server and it's working. Nightlies are available here we just need to switch the nightly page.

I'm more or less alone maintaining the nightlies currently. I hope to get more help from the community to maintain them if we move all the scripts on github and all the processing on Travis/Appveyor. @shoogle is investigating the AppImage problems and @ABL did some experiment with AppVeyor but we didn't manage to make it the main track for windows nightlies.

In reply to by jeetee

But, be aware that is a pretty long list of exceptions, at least when it comes to new features. Almost all new features will break compatibility in that scores created using the new feature won't open correctly in 2.0.3. So very few new features implemented for 3.0 can be expected to show up in 2.1. For bug fixes, it's probably fair to say "most" can be / have been merged into 2.1. But sometimes the fix depends on some more fundamental underlying changes done for 3.0 (eg, the new smart layout) and while it would be technically *possible* to reimplement the fix for 2.1, it is extra work and is not always done.

The definitive answer for any given issue can be seen by scrolling to the bottom and seeing if it says "fixed in branch 2.0.4" as well as "fixed in branch master", or only the latter. "Master"
basically means 3.0.

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