Can't write second voice

• Feb 14, 2012 - 12:41

I have Ubuntu ver. 11.10 and Musescore ver. 1.1. I have a problem with writing second voice in the last line of the music score on the page. The cursor for the second voice apears only from B1 and up and the lower notes can't be written?
What is the problem?


Could you explain in more detail exaclty how you are trying to enter the notes, and perhaps post a sample score? Are you saying if you press "A" to enter an A, nothing happens? Or perhaps it just shows up in the "wrong" octave? MuseScore always adds notes in the octave closest to the last note entered. If you woild rather it be lower, you need to press crrl-down arrow to move it down an octave.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you for the answer, but I solved the problem. I couldn't write the second voice by clicking with a mouse because I inserted a horizontal frame at the end of the score before I finished writing all the notes and for some reason I couldn't write notes until I streched bars with that frame. When I wrote those notes in the score I inserted horizontal frame back to reduce the bars like I did the first time.

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