Vertical default positioning lyrics

• Dec 11, 2016 - 19:28

Regularly I have to adjust the horizontal position of lyrics. During that process the vertical position is affected too. This results in a wavy text line. Is there a way to set all lyrics to a specified vertical default position in order to reach a straight text line? Style->Text->Lyrics odd&even pages-> set number for vertical position: this doesn't do the job, because all text is moved up or downward and the unevenness/undulation is maintained.


Welcome Mike, it's strange, because it should work.
Perhaps before you have to use Ctrl + R to restore the default position (Right-click on a syllable -> select all similar elements-> Ctrl + R)
Could you attach here your score?
use the "File attachments" option at the bottom of the page, just above the Save and Preview buttons when you're typing your post.

After having them all selected, use the inspector (F8) to first reset the vertical correction and possibly then enter a new value for it.

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