Musescore Opening Problems

• Dec 17, 2016 - 05:57

I have recently composed a symphony which is 94 pages long and when adding a title, composer etc, it crashed and started not responding. I closed it and tried to reopen it but I couldn't. It always came up with what appeared to be a word document when I hovered my mouse over it but I couldn't actually click on it (well I could but it wouldn't come up with anything at all). I tried restarting my computer, re-installing and uninstalling the program, I even tried deleting all my files and putting them all on a USB stick and then deleting everything to do with musescore but not even that worked.

If there is anybody out there who is experiencing the same problem as me or knows how to get rid of the problem, please tell me as I am desperate to get all my files back.


In reply to by kuwitt

Hi, Kuwitt.
Thanks for your help. I didn't try the "revert to factory settings" but I just have and it didn't work. I am using Musescore 2 by the way. It happens every single time whether I am opening it from Musescore or if I am opening it from files explorer. If you could try and open this, then at least I know that the files are fine 3rd movement Symphony.mscz

In reply to by Forlano

I can open the file on OpenSuse Leap with Musescore 2.0.3.

One thing I noticed, I got an output on terminal "unknown file suffix <>, name <>" with your attached file. Not sure at time what this means.

I saved your file again and could open it again without this message. Try to open this attached file and see if it works for you.

It isn't clear for me from your comment, weather you can open MuseScore but you can't open your files with file->open too, or you only got the described message when you try to open it from explorer and this also happens with other mscz files.

Attachment Size
3rd movement Symphony.mscz 70.82 KB

In reply to by Forlano

Can you explain more specifically what goes wrong when you try to open it from within MsueScore? We have no control over what Explorer does really - maybe Windows has become confused and thinks MSCZ files should be associated with Word for some odd reason. But your files opens fine from within MuseScore for me as well.

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