Copy/Pasting text even when not selected

• Dec 17, 2016 - 09:45

If you have a measure of notes and add text (ctrl+t) to one of the notes,
then choose to copy and paste that set of notes to another measure disregarding the text, it seems logical to be able to select the measure by clicking it and then Ctrl+Clicking the text you want un-highlighted, copy via ctrl+c and then paste into another measure via ctrl+v after clicking into it, but if this is done the text still copies over.
Is there a decent reasoning behind this?
Otherwise it seems to be a flaw.


After copying nots + words, you can delete words in one time, in the "zone" you want . Select the "zone" , after right click on a word, choose all similar elements of the selection, click OK, only the words , in the "zone" you have choose are selected, then DELETE Words.png

In reply to by Raymond Wicquart

True, but why does an unselected text via ctrl+leftclick still copy onto the clipboard?
Let me show some steps to elucidate the situation:

1) Here are notes with a staff text
2) If I select the first note head, press ctrl+c & paste into the next measure, it works
3) If I select the first two note heads by ctrl+left clicking each, and copy+pasting, it won't paste anything. I'm not sure why this is, but my guess is because they're just note heads and not the complete notes unlike what happens when you use shift+arrow keys to select a portion of the measure: this is the way to go usually. Why then does it work for one note head but not two is the question here?
4).Now if you select the whole measure, the "zone", by clicking it in a blank area, then copy and paste to the next measure: all works fine: it copies everything over.
5) Do the same thing again but now before copying, de-select the text by ctrl+clicking it, then copy and paste. It pasted the text! Why? It wasn't part of the selection. It seems to me that the "measure selection", the blue box selecting the whole measure, supersedes any nitpicking done by de-selection. To show this I deselect the two middle notes (had to deselect the stems and the dotting also), and it still copied the whole thing. What i'm arguing is: this shouldn't be the case; the copy function should take into consideration any de-selections. Selection_005.png

Any feedback or retorts? I consider this worthy of the issue tracker, but I'd like some more input beforehand.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Will do for now.

P.S. I've found having the Palette and the Selection filter best located as tabs to quickly switch between rather than having them vertically aligned: vertical alignment requires extra scrolling on a smaller screen, whereas tabs show the complete set of options with one click.

Ctrl+click deselects elements within a *list* selection - a selection created via ctrl+select in the first place. It doesn't really deselect elements within a range - only the selection filter does that. It seems a bug that MuseScore erroneously gives you the impression that ctrl+click is doing something to a range selection when it really isn't.

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