Splitting 2 parts from a single staff

• Dec 26, 2016 - 00:21

I was recently sent a PDF of a score that I want to "tinker with" to revoice some of the parts. It is a 4-part barbershop arrangement, with two parts (Tenor / Lead) on one staff, and (Baritone / Bass) on the other. The PDF translation on Muse Score came through relatively close to the PDF score, so I think I can deal with the necessary note changes to fix that.

However, is there a way to split out the two parts on a single staff into two separate staffs (without just reentering each part?)


Bruce Kenyon


Simplest is probably to copy the staff to another staff, exchange the voices on one of them (Edit / Voices), then use the Selection Filter to delete voice 2 from both (by excluding voice 1 from the selection before hitting Delete).

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