Strings 5840 and 5853
I can't get Transifex to accept my Swedish translation of strings 5840 and 5853. The virtual button Save Translation is greyed out. What is wrong?
I can't get Transifex to accept my Swedish translation of strings 5840 and 5853. The virtual button Save Translation is greyed out. What is wrong?
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5840 is "Add %n measure(s)", that string needs 2 translations, ine for singlular (labeled "1") and and another for plural (labeled "other"). Some languages even need 3 or 4 translations there...
Same story for 5853, "Delete %n measure(s)" and any string that contains a "%n"
In reply to 5840 is "Add %n measure(s)",… by Jojo-Schmitz
How is that done here? Other strings with plural endings in parentheses work fine.
In reply to How is that done here? Other… by Magnus Johansson
Nothing special, same as all other strings with a "%n", Just check sv (as opposed to your sv_SV)
In reply to Nothing special, same as all… by Jojo-Schmitz
It must be something special since the other strings with e.g. "takt(er)" work fine?
In reply to It must be something special… by Magnus Johansson
No. nothing special. Just 2 translations needed, that's all
In reply to No. nothing special. Just 2… by Jojo-Schmitz
No matter what I type there, the Save Translation is grey.
In reply to No matter what I type there,… by Magnus Johansson
No, I just did it and it just works as I described: add a translation for "1" and one for "other", only after that you can save
In reply to No, I just did it and it… by Jojo-Schmitz
How do I add a translation for "1" when there is no "1" in the original string?
In reply to How do I add a translation… by Magnus Johansson
?? In singular "%n" becomes "1"
In reply to How is that done here? Other… by Magnus Johansson
You need a singlular translation, "other" is the default, so switch to "1"
In reply to You need a singlular… by Jojo-Schmitz
Now I believe I have found "1" and "other"; they are virtual buttons to the right in the toolbar above the translation field.
In reply to Now I believe I have found … by Magnus Johansson
Indeed. Just as for all ither strings containing "%n"...
In reply to How is that done here? Other… by Magnus Johansson
BTW: For singular you could drop the %n and replace it with (the translation of) "one"
I've now just done of for you (taking the sv translations), please review (and change if need be)
In reply to I've now just done of for… by Jojo-Schmitz
Now after your translation I could edit the translated strings and save them; previously I could not make Transifex accept anything I tried.
In reply to Now after your translation I… by Magnus Johansson
Why "...(er)" in plural?
In reply to Why "...(er)" in plural? by Jojo-Schmitz
Because that is what corresponds to the original string.
In reply to Because that is what… by Magnus Johansson
So what? That string is supposed to cover singular __and__plural in just one string. it needs to get "translated" even in the en_US and en_GB translations.
Is the Swedish word "takter" plural in all plural cases (for all numbers other than 1, actually in this case all cases greater than 1, as 0 just won't happen here)? Then drop the ().
In reply to So what? That string is… by Jojo-Schmitz
"[...] it needs to get "translated" [...]"
That "translated" is not translation, and I suppose that is the real problem here.
"Is the Swedish word "takter" plural in all plural cases [...]"
No, not in all, but all that should be used in this string.
In reply to "[...] it needs to get … by Magnus Johansson
In reply to Because that is what… by Magnus Johansson
You're not using those "(er)" in any other %n (plural) string
See also…