Strings 5840 and 5853

• Feb 25, 2025 - 13:00

I can't get Transifex to accept my Swedish translation of strings 5840 and 5853. The virtual button Save Translation is greyed out. What is wrong?


5840 is "Add %n measure(s)", that string needs 2 translations, ine for singlular (labeled "1") and and another for plural (labeled "other"). Some languages even need 3 or 4 translations there...
Same story for 5853, "Delete %n measure(s)" and any string that contains a "%n"

In reply to by Magnus Johansson

So what? That string is supposed to cover singular __and__plural in just one string. it needs to get "translated" even in the en_US and en_GB translations.
Is the Swedish word "takter" plural in all plural cases (for all numbers other than 1, actually in this case all cases greater than 1, as 0 just won't happen here)? Then drop the ().

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