Elision in Lyrics

• Dec 26, 2016 - 17:35

Is there a way to write elisions in lyrics. This is especially important with lyrics in romance languages such as French, where the end of one word often elides with the following word. For instance, "Pauvre enfant" is pronounced, "pau-vr’en-fant," but it isn't spelled that way. It is common to mark in something like a slur to connect the two words. This is particularly important when writing out lyrics for English speakers who may be struggling already with French pronounciation.

Is there any way to do that with MuseScore?


Whoops, I just scrolled to the very bottom of the special characters window and discovered that there both upper and lower slurs that can be used. They seem to go under the previous character so, if you want them to connect two words that have a space between them, you have to make the space, then add the slur character.

Now I have to figure out whether I can create a keyboard shortcut.

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