Pedal markings under grand staff can only be attached to notes in staff attached to

• Mar 14, 2012 - 15:43
S4 - Minor

This affects both 1.2 and trunk (5471).

Steps to reproduce:

1) new piano score, 4 bars long
2) enter quarter notes throughout top staff, leaving bottom staff empty
3) attach pedal marking to first measure (bottom staff)
4) double click pedal marking
5) select right attachment point if not already selected
6) shift-left *or* shift-right

Result: shift-left does nothing, shift-right moves attachment point a full measure
Expected result: attachment point is moved to the previous next note of the top staff

Pedal markings are perhaps special in this way - they need to consider the whole grand staff, not just the staff they are attached to.

Workarounds: attach pedal marking to top staff then drag below bottom staff, or add dummy notes to bottom staff for pedal attachment purposes, then either set invisible or delete.


I tried the workarounds. I still get pedals of one measure in length. For the attachment I'd settle for a pedal that could be dragged across two full measures; but nothing's working. I even tried overlapping pedals to see if that would work; the effect still cuts off at the start of measure two. I don't know if this is the proper thread for this or if it should be part of the thread that brought me here (Start Pedal in Middle of Measure,; but here it is.

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pedal test.mscz 1.9 KB

i'm confused. I had no problems extending the pedal marking in your example the usual way - double click, make sure end point is selected, Shift-RightArrow. Extending by full measures is never a problem that I can see - this issue is about the inability to extend pedal by amounts of *less* than a measure.

OK, now I didn't pick that up from either this thread or the other one to which I linked. But apparently it does work. Perhaps I've overlooked something; but I don't recall that being in the documentation. So if I can move the anchor for the end point, why can't the anchor be moved for the start point, since that was the original question (see previous)?

You can change the start point - same way as the end point. Double click, make sure to select the corrend end point, then shift-arrow.

The documentation is perhaps not as clear as it could be, but this double-click, select, shift-arrow process is the way it is described under Line in the Handbook.

And as described in the thread you reference, this only works to extend to a note that actually exists in the staff you have attached the line to. If the note is in a different staff, you won't be able to attach to it - shift-arrow will only move by full measures. So the workaround of creating invisible notes in the staff you are actually attaching the line to is only needed in those case - where you want a line attached to something mid-measure that doesn't exist in the staff you are attaching to.

Unfortunately the workaround to drag the pedal marks from treble to bass isn't good enough. Because using the automatic placement is already the workaround for aligning the pedal marks.

Furthermore I'm not really sure that this is exactly the issue. The issue is that the pedal mark doesn't extend for the duration of the note (or rest).

For example, when you place a half note and assign the pedal mark with shift+"arrow" to this note, the mark will end directly after that note. Instead it should end after that note plus its duration.

Aligning to the treble line isn't needed in any case, because there is always either a rest (incl. duration) or a note (incl. duration) in the bass line.

So the bug that needs to be attended to is actually the Pedal Mark not extending for durations.

P.S.: The pedal mark also automatically moves to the first note of the next measure instead of the last note of the same measure. Whoever fixes this should also fix that too, please.

Still relevant with MuseScore f3f334f:


However, whole notes don't seem to be affected:


I think that by default, MuseScore should manage pedal markings for all notes like it does for whole notes. However, there are situations where we may want to end the pedal marking before the full duration of a note, so the only way to solve this is to allow pedal markings to have attachment points in the top staff or the bottom staff.

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bug-15513.png 22.08 KB
bug-15513-2.png 6.27 KB

I have proposed altering the layout of pedal markings to be dependent on the hook type. If an angle hook, then align the end of the line with the note itself on the assumption you are going to pair it with another line starting on that note. If a straight hook, then extend to the "end" of the note as is currently done for single notes (note just whole notes, actually - any single note).

I'm not 100% sure this heuristic is always good, but I'm sure sure it's better than what we do now.

Status active fixed

Fixed in branch master, commit eae6e353ad

fix #15513: This crash is a consequence of the changes introduced in PR #13724: we don't layout closed parts anymore, so some elements (like H/Vbox) do not have a parent. Their parent (system) is dynamically created when doLayout() is executed

Status active fixed

Fixed in branch 4.0.2, commit e18c9c0c5a

fix #15513: This crash is a consequence of the changes introduced in PR #13724: we don't layout closed parts anymore, so some elements (like H/Vbox) do not have a parent. Their parent (system) is dynamically created when doLayout() is executed

Status active fixed

Fixed in branch 4.0.2, commit e18c9c0c5a

fix #15513: This crash is a consequence of the changes introduced in PR #13724: we don't layout closed parts anymore, so some elements (like H/Vbox) do not have a parent. Their parent (system) is dynamically created when doLayout() is executed