Jazz specific notation and accents

• Jan 10, 2017 - 13:23

Hello there,
I'm trying to transcribe some jazz songs and I'm missing some of the typical accents (for lack of a better word - sorry) used in jazz. If you look at the linked image (http://s3.amazonaws.com/halleonard-pagepreviews/HL_DDS_1004345kv4RP175O…) you will see heavy use of several types of accents:
Some of these are easy (staccato e.g.), others I can't find. Can I define them myself?
Thanks a lot


See the Articulations & Ornaments Palette, the Basic workspace does have Staccato (.), Sforzato (>) and Marcato (Λ) already, Tenuto-accent (>) you'd find in the symbols palette of the master palette, it won't affect playback though in 2.x (it should in the next Major Version though)

If you press Z the master palette will come up and you can add them to a custom palette by dragging them there. At the bottom of the Palettes window is the drop down that lets you switch between Basic. Advanced and Custom.

I don't think you can tell MuseScore what to do with them though.

in Palettes (if not opened, select Palettes on View menu)

Select Advanced at bottom: adv..png

Click "Articulation and Ornaments" section:

. = staccato
> = Sforzato
> = Sforzato and Tenuto (either)
^ =marcato
_ = Tenuto

staccato.png Sfortzato.png tenuto.png marcato.png

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