Note entry by mouse - suggestion

• Mar 21, 2012 - 09:03


I was using Musicator in the 90s. One of the ways you could enter
notes, was to use the mouse to click and drag the desired lenght
of a note. The note type/duration (and breaks) was automatically created
based on the gesture.
That method is way faster than the current method using the mouse in
MuseScore and I believe it even outperforms the current keyboard method.
Reason: The Musicator method is simpler and faster, as it requires
less clicks/keystrokes.

The concept was simple:
1) Place the mouse cursor (represented as a generic note) on the
bar where you would enter a note.
Just above that bar you could see
a rectangle with some "dots" in it. The rectangle was always above
the bar of the mouse cursor, and the dot closest to the horisontal
position of the cursor would always be highlighted.

2) Hit a number between 1 and 9.
This would change the number of dots in the rectangle above the bar.
The number tells how every beat of the bar is "split". Examples:
1 would change the number of dots in the rectangle over a 3/4 bar into 3 dots
2 would change the number of dots in the rectangle over a 4/4 bar into 8 dots
(See the rectangle over the 2nd bar in this picture: //
or on the attachment to this feature request.
3 would change the number of dots in the rectangle over a 2/4 bar into 6 dots
and so on

3) Use the position of the mouse cursor (directly implicating the pitch of the note
and the highlighted dot) to click, hold and drag the note to the desired lenght

(based on the splitting set in 2). Doing this in the middle of an empty bar would
automatically create the breaks earlier in the bar as well.

I appreciate any thoughts on this.


Attachment Size
musicator01.gif 13.69 KB


Seems awfully indirect to me - if I want to enter a dotted quarter note, I'd rather not have to calculate what kind of subdivisions I'd need and how many of them would add up to to the correct result. It seems a very "sequencer-oriented" way of thinking, very un-notational to me. But that's not to say a more sequencer-oriented entry method wouldn't have value for people more comfortable with sequencers than notation.

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