Show only drumset staff

• Jan 11, 2017 - 20:31

I created a new file from the Band template. By default, it shows Lead Vocals, backing vocals, lead guitar, rhythm guitar, bass guitar and drumset. I'm new to the software and watched the Tablature and drum notation video, and searched the forum, but could not see how to hide a given instrument. I want to hide all instruments except the drums since I will be using this software mostly for teaching drums.

Could you please tell me a) how to hide particular instruments, and b) can I then save this as its own template so in the future I can create new scores with only the Drumset staff?

Thank you very much.


If you're not going to use the other instruments, you'd better delete them rather than hiding them.

Or start from the empty template in which you can add only the instruments you want. Then save as a template by following the instructions Shoichi linked to.

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