Pre-set full measure rests

• Apr 15, 2012 - 04:49

I'm new at this. Are the preset rests considered "full measure" rests. I'm trying to populate a measure in 4/4 time with a half note rest, then 3 quarter notes played simultaneously (chord) and 2 eight notes. This should add up to 4 beats. I can't get rid of the pre-set rest and I can't place the notes ahead of the rest in the measure. Can someone help me? Thanks

Attachment Size
Measure Rests.png 8.05 KB


It looks like perhaps you have entered the notes in a different voice than the rest? Posting the actual score instead of just a picture would help.

If you can't place a note it may be because the value of the note you are trying to place is too large to fit there. Try seleting the rest and then changing it's duration.

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