Breaks and spacers

• Apr 18, 2012 - 11:33

Thanks for the help but I tried using the spacer to increase the space between 2 specific staffs. I dragged the spacer to the measure above, then double clicked on the spacer and dragged the end of the space down. This spacer elongates but no additional space is created between the staffs. Any suggestions? (Tried to attach score but unsuccessful twice.)
Sandy Toms


In reply to by xavierjazz

I, too, sometimes find it difficult to get the space between staves right using the "Stave Spacer". I just click on the first bar of the stave that I want to move down, then go to Create->Bars->Insert Vertical Frame. You can then resize the frame for a more predictable result.

This worked great! Thanks much.
Sandy T.

<Bars->Insert Vertical Frame. You can then resize the frame for a more predictable result.>>

Spacer Procedure..
Drag spacer to the... BOTTOM. (bass) Piano staff ...Hold on TIght to the symbol...and stretch it to the desire length.

Once you let go...the spacer stops growing.
This procedure works well all the time.
Reply by Music-ME.

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