Hihat with foot pedal keeps converting to stems up
Also, is there a way to assign a shortcut key to it? Currently it is unassigned.
Thank you.
Also, is there a way to assign a shortcut key to it? Currently it is unassigned.
Thank you.
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The Highhat is in voice 1, so MuseScore is pointing it up like all voice 1 notes, especially since there is another voice 1 note on the same beat. To add a shortcut or make any other changes to it right click the drum staff and choose Edit Drumset... It should make sense from there. Keep in mind, the stem direction will only apply if there is nothing making it turn in the other direction, then musescore will follow its rules which are way too complicated to explain.
Note: there are problems in 2.0.3 with drum notes going into the correct voice, so you may need to force the drum note into the correct voice by selecting the single note (or group of notes if consecutive) by ctrl-clicking each note and pressing ctrl(Mac cmd)-# where # is the voice you want the note in. Musescore will then follow it's rules for stem direction, but you can change it with the X key. This works better in 2.1 which I just downloaded today since it will change little between now and the final release.
See #153686: Drum input palette: notes set to enter as voice 2 are entered into voice 1 in error.
You can assign shortcuts to drum notes - see the Edit Drumset button (also the Handbook under "Drum notation").
As mentioned, if you are trying to enter the notes by double clicking the palette symbols, then there is a bug where voices don't always show up where they should. But it works fine if you use the single click method - click the icon, then click in the score. Also if you assign a keyboard shortcut.