How to make "sixteenth note" detached?

• Jan 27, 2017 - 14:09

I rewrite the sheet music from Finale to MuseScore
But there's one thing that it doesn't look like Finale (it attached each other) look very ugly
Finale's Sheet Music:
MuseScore's Sheet Music:
Pls!! Tell me how to fix this, hurry!!!
P/S: Sorry for my bad English ;p


Seems to me the default 16th note beaming for 6/4 is arguably wrong and we should consider changing it. I say "arguably" because while in theory one is supposed to treat 6/4 as a compound meter 3+3 - so pretty much the same as 6/8 - the reality is many people who use 6/4 don't intend it to be used that way at all, but instead as a simple meter (eg, 4+2). Worth discussing further I think.

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