How to use the Liturgical Unmetrical + Organ template

• Jan 30, 2017 - 12:55

By the description given for this template, I though it meant there is no time signature involved yet when creating a new score you are asked to select a time signature. Most liturgical music I use has no time signature. How then do I use this template?

I want to make a new score like the one attached.

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divinepraise_delasalle.jpg 431.84 KB


In reply to by Don9of11

It shows you various ways you can either remove the barlines or hide them in ancient music.

Having said that, I would most likely decide on a common measure length in my song (maybe 8/4 is best, maybe 6/4 is more common) and set my score to that time signature. I would then hide the time signature (just click it and press v to make it invisible) if this does not happen automatically. you made need to look up custom time signature in the handbook.

When I get to a measure that is not what I chose, I would right click the measure, select measure properties and adjust actual duration to the correct value. You can then enter your notes in each measure.

You then need to deal with the lyrics. In your first measure you have a double whole note (8 beat duration). You cannot put verse 5 into measure 1 (only 1 word can go there). In order to do this you will need to put in a hidden voice with sufficient notes for the verse with the most words. You will want to hide that verse and silence all the notes. The quickest way to do this is to use the selector filter (F6) and uncheck all but the invisible voice. In the inspector you will click notes, then scroll down and uncheck play.

With the invisible voice that has the silenced notes, enter your lyrics. It is easiest to make the voice invisible first. The Lyrics you add after will not be invisible.

I believe this will cover all you need to do. It is not the easiest process, but there is no way of telling MuseScore to start a new measure at a certain point on the fly and no other way of adding multiple word to a note.

Started from that template; picked 8/4 as time signature.
The time signature doesn't show up as this is already set by the template.

Next open up the instruments window and remove the Voice.

Start by entering soprano measures 1 and 2. There are rests remaining in measure 2; click the first one of them and go to Edit → Measure → Split

Select the newly created measure and press Ctrl+Del to remove it.

Right click the 3rd measure, open the measure properties and change the actual duration to 10/4

Enter measures 3 and 4. There are again remaining rests in measure 4; either change the actual duration to match up or again split and delete as above.

Enter the other notes.

Attach lyrics to the bottom staff; I used the bass notes, but tenor works equally well. Use Ctrl+Space instead of space to enter multiple words under the same note.


Attachment Size
166266_The_Divine_Praises.mscz 9.93 KB

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