PDF Converter
I haven't been able to find the PDF Converter. I am using Musecore2 2.0.3. Can somebody help me please.
I haven't been able to find the PDF Converter. I am using Musecore2 2.0.3. Can somebody help me please.
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File→Import PDF will take you to https://musescore.com/import
In reply to File→Import PDF will take you by worldwideweary
Thank you so much. I had tried it before but it appeared nothing happened, but I see now that in Full Screen the Drag File box was hidden.
Thanks again.
In reply to Thank you so much. I had by doshaug1
It didn't work for me. I spent an afternoon trying to update to MuseScore3,and it did convert the PDF into a remarkable and arresting nocturne/fantasy in ¾ time, with piano and voice. Unfortunately, it was written in 4/4 for a jazz Big Band, and I need to get the parts to someone, as our set did not get everything returned after a concert marking the end of the semester!
In reply to It didn't work for me. I… by Allyson_Erick
It's all still quite experimental, unfortunately. Probably the afternoon would have been better spent just entering the music manually, but there's always tomorrow :-)
In reply to It didn't work for me. I… by Allyson_Erick
Wow, it did fail, but it failed spectacularly. Arresting seems to be the right term, right along with mesmerizing and bewildering.
In reply to File→Import PDF will take you by worldwideweary
Thank's a lot!
In reply to File→Import PDF will take you by worldwideweary
In reply to File→Import PDF will take you by worldwideweary
thank you! The convertion often works BUT the new part often misses some rests and the 4/4 tempo of the bar goes wrong. Do you know how to fix the part after the conversion? I tried to fix adding rests and notes but it doesn't work, seems like it's locked.
In reply to thank you! The convertion… by fabrusca77
There is no one procedure, it’s going t be a matter of measure by measure understanding what went wrong and how to use the features of MuseScore to fix it. It’s not locked, you just need to be pretty expert in advanced editing techniques to understand how to work with the sort of errors produced by those sorts of AI programs.
Generally, for people who aren’t already experts, it’s easier to skip the PDF and just enter the music normally. It takes way less time to learn basic note input than to learn the sort of advanced techniques needs to fix conversion errors.
In reply to thank you! The convertion… by fabrusca77
I downloaded "Open Arms" for the piano part and tried the pdf importer/converter. It worked well until it got to some swing sections. The converted file has some added rests; I guess they're like breaths in the parts. There's a greyed "+" to these measures. I can't figure out how to delete them. Anyone? Thanks in advance.
In reply to I downloaded "Open Arms" for… by YamamotoM018
The grey + mean: too many beats in the measure. Just select the extra rests and Ctrl Del them
In reply to File→Import PDF will take you by worldwideweary
Be me love
In reply to Be me love by saboranderson@…
In reply to File→Import PDF will take you by worldwideweary
There are none
No problemo.
cPregon Pascual encuentra.pdf ?cómo lo puedo importar a musecore?
In reply to [inline:cPregon Pascual… by SoeurJ-Ann Vbrá
Welcome, File/Import
I also use this PDF Converter (https://smallpdf.com/pdf-converter), since for me this is the most convenient way to work with such files. To study or work on different tasks with AnswerShark (https://answershark.com/) resource, this is quite enough, since this application does not take up space on the hard disk, besides, the site has a wider functionality.
In reply to I also use this PDF… by sorent
That doesn't convert from PDF into a score though
Try File >> Export...
It works for me!
In reply to Try File >> Export… by Carolina Naemi…
Thank you
In reply to Linda Flor by Lilian Pedro
Don't waste your time in trying to import that PDF (if https://musescore.com/import doesn't do if for you right away) but just transcribe it yourself manually
hangzobanoboadamore.mscz hangzobanoboadamore.mscz hangzobanoboadamore.mscz
In reply to [inline:hangzobanoboadamore… by misk.bence
And your question/problem/point is?
That score is neither the result of a PDF import, nor a PDF, so how does it relate to this topic?
Hi there. I was also looking for the PDF Converter. Great information. Thanks.
Olá, enviei esses dois arquivos para meu irmão imprimir pra mim. Ele não conseguiu abrir e pediu para passar para PDF mas eu não consegui. Como faço para converter essas partituras em PDF?
In reply to Olá, enviei esses dois… by Simone Cunha
Google translate:
Hi, I've sent these two files to my brother to print for me. It failed to open and asked to move to PDF but I could not. How do I convert these scores to PDF?
Simply open in MuseScore and export to PDF. At leadt for the 1st file, the 2nd one is a MuseScore backup files, you'd better work a file named "A THOUSAND YEARS certa.msc", i.e. without the leading dot and trailing comma, at least you'd need to rename that trailing comma away in order for MuseScore to be able to open it.
Both scores stems from MuseScore 2.2.1 (at least have been last save with that), so in order for them to look as close as possible to how they did when last used, better use MuseScore 2.3.2 to open and export.
I just did that in the attachments...
But also exported with 3.2.3, after resetting everything to 3.x style.
In either case I think you should work on improving the layout a bit, esp. on the 1st score, to avoid those very few measures on the 3rd page and reduce the entire score to only need 2 pages.
In reply to เด็กปำม by chefgamehoot
In reply to ok by Thomas Schröder 3
Works fine for me by using file->import PDF... with Musescore.
In reply to 007 by Bruno santtos
In reply to 0000007 by Bruno santtos
In reply to [inline:partitura.pdf] by gemma.adorni
Did you try https://musescore.com/import ?
Don't get your hopes too high though.
In reply to ... by venislamova
and your question is... ?
I just tried it with a perfectly scanned pdf, high quality 300dpi (attached), and I got back an unreadable corrupted file... I wonder if it didn't work with this one, with what will it work.
In reply to I just tried it with a… by francescoboc
I think that converter can't deal with tablature
In reply to I think that converter can't… by Jojo-Schmitz
Oh, ok. Thanks for the explanation.
In reply to I think that converter can't… by Jojo-Schmitz
I think chord symbols also are likely to confuse it, and I wouldn't be surprised to see it struggle with things like multimeasure rests and the change from two staves to one and then to three. So, really, quite a bit about this particular score seems problematic.
In reply to ola [inline:PRELUDE AND… by Wellington Brecher
Seems https://musescore.com/import does a pretty good job on that one
An e seo an t-snàithlean as ioma-chànanach a tha sinn air a bhith againn gu ruige seo?
Need to convert PDF flies.
In reply to Need to convert PDF flies. by Catboy2001
Try https://musescore.com/import but don't get your hopes too high
I also have the same problem. I tried the official PDF converter, but after waiting for a long time, it finally said that an error occurred, I don't know if the file is too large....
Rhapsodie Hongroise is because the file is too large to fit, so I had to split it into two (4.97MB)
In reply to I also have the same problem… by 0927mike
See https://musescore.com/sheetmusic?text=hungarian%20rhapsody and https://musescore.com/sheetmusic?text=nocturne%209%201
In reply to I also have the same problem… by 0927mike
I think your files are indeed way too big. But moreover, this music is way too complicated for PDF conversion. Here is page 135 converted with two different programs. One is the MuseScore converter and the other is PhotoScore. They are both different and equally poor renditions.
In reply to I think your files are… by bobjp
In reply to Thank you by DominikRudnik
What on earth do you expect with that PDF to happen here?
If the first answer in this thread doesn't help, nothing further will happen.
40 lat minęło niżej.mscz
In reply to [inline:miscelanea_legiao… by dudamusicgrac
In reply to [inline:Sempre Imaginei em… by LeftRider
for brass band
In reply to for brass band by oleksijharis
The problem here is that you asked for a PDF import of a PDF document which contains:
a) Pages 1-29: brass band with multiple instruments
b) Pages 30-44: individual parts for each instrument
If you split the PDF file to contain only pages 1-29, you should get good recognition of the music (as a full score). Then you can generate the parts after making corrections to the full score.
I use the free PDFsam Basic for splitting PDF files:
I've used the converter successfully a lot BUT it does a poor job in converting music using the tenor cleff . Is there any mechanism for feedback/reporting this as a big or comment?
In reply to I've used the converter… by snoopeesnoop
It uses Audiveris, so best report it there
In reply to It uses Audiveris, so best… by Jojo-Schmitz
I've looked at the Audiveris site and there seen to be nowhere to report a bug that i can see if you're not a member/subscriber. I get the impression that they would expect Musecore to screen and report bugs
In reply to I've looked at the Audiveris… by snoopeesnoop
There's https://github.com/Audiveris/audiveris/issues
In reply to I've used the converter… by snoopeesnoop
The MuseScore PDF converter, which launches an Audiveris module, does a poor job in converting music using the tenor, mezzo soprano, or soprano clefs. Notes in the scope of these clefs are transposed badly. The conversion works okay with treble, bass and alto clefs. The error occurs irrespective of the file size or number of instruments involved or the complexity of the score. The error is consistent over a number of otherwise successful conversions.
A simple test pdf import file using clefs is attached.
Audiveris suggested that MuseScore is not using the latest version of this convertor. At their suggestion I have installed Audiveris 5.2.5. Using this I can import the test file and save it as a Music MXL file. I can load the Music MXL file using Musescore 3 or Musescore 4 and save it as a MuseScore mscz file without the errors described above.
Conclusion MuseScore is not but should be using the latest version of Audiveris.
In reply to The MuseScore PDF converter,… by snoopeesnoop
Please request this on musescore.com, like in https://musescore.com/groups/improving-musescore-com/ and/or via email to support@musescore.com
In reply to The PDF convertor does not… by snoopeesnoop
In reply to The PDF convertor does not… by snoopeesnoop
help convert this pdf to Musescore
In reply to help convert this pdf to… by mozzarela888
File→Import PDF will take you to https://musescore.com/import
In reply to 1 by melisadinata2
File→Import PDF will take you to https://musescore.com/import
Can somebody help me please.
In reply to Can somebody help me please. by vasok9161991
What do you mean by help? What have you tried so far?
La Cuichi - Banda Mm.pdf
In reply to [inline:La Cuichi - Banda Mm… by pepe45290
First thing I would recommend is to split the parts into separate PDF files. Then try to convert each one individually. It looks fairly clean, so you can certainly hope for good results. However, you'll then have to manually copy/paste each part into a single orchestral score to get all the parts into a single score.
Good luck!!!
In reply to knk by tarassahaidak
It was read by the PDF Import tool, but placed notes into strange combinations of Voices. (Sometimes it placed notes into Voices 3 and/or 4 even when there were no notes in Voices 1 and/or 2.) And, as is obvious, it couldn't read the Cyrillic text. Fixing the first system took about 20-25 minutes. The lyrics will add another 5-ish minutes.
The score that the PDF Importer gave is attached. You'll have to do a fair amount of fixing and you'll have to add the lyrics. IMO, you'll probably be better off just manually inputting the music and lyrics yourself. Your choice.
In reply to It was read by the PDF… by TheHutch
Using SmartScore Pro, about 5 minutes to enter and correct, with no text or lyrics. Export as XML, open in MSS.
I completely understand that cost is a factor for many people. But, if importing PDF files is a major part of your process, I would really recommend saving up and purchasing a true music OCR program.
I had a problem with pdf import feature adding additional rests, etc., to the score. Originally today, I posted this:
I downloaded "Open Arms" for the piano part and tried the pdf importer/converter. It worked well until it got to some swing sections. The converted file has some added rests; I guess they're like breaths in the parts. There's a greyed "+" to these measures. I can't figure out how to delete them.
Here's my brute force solution:
I inserted a measure before the offending measure and copied over notes that were correct. Sometimes I'd have to add certain notes and compare to the pdf score (very well done, I might add to whoever the original sheet music transcriber is). I also had to compare and add the coda, sign, and DS. Yeah, it was laborious and took me a couple hours but it worked.
In reply to I had a problem with pdf… by YamamotoM018
Send me the PDF. Send to wawoodman at icloud dot com, and I'll run it through SmartScore. If you do much PDF conversion, you might want to consider it. As I've said before, it's an expense. But, what were those couple of hours of your time, worth?
In reply to I had a problem with pdf… by YamamotoM018
It's also worth knowing how to fix those "+" signs. In your case, select the measure, right click and open "Measure Properties". You'll probably find that those measures are found to be 7/8. change that to 3/4 and the rests go away. In some cases you'll need to fix some notes first.
to MuseScore
New tune your harps.pdf
Convert to music
In reply to Convert to music by muhamadbilli5
This is transcribed in 10 minutes ...
Why do you ask?
In reply to This is transcribed in 10… by HildeK
Or you could try this device which I understand some people use to convert a pdf to music.
In reply to Or you could try this device… by SteveBlower
There is this problem where there is a part where there is a rest or a note that is not supposed to be there.
In reply to There is this problem where… by siu1234562
There are something on the order of 200 notes in the piece. We can't guess which one "is not supposed to be there." Describe exactly where this "extra" note/rest is located and we can tell you how to fix it.
In reply to There is this problem where… by siu1234562
1) Why don't you open a new theme?
2) Take a closer look at measures 19 and 34 - 40. There are obviously unrecognized triplets, but I can't say for sure and I can't correct them because I don't have the PDF.
In reply to [inline:midi_export.mid] by Eliezer_Vieira
And you question is what?
This at least is utterly off topic here, as this thread is about PDF import
In reply to ocens by arty42
File -> Import PDF?
In reply to File -> Import PDF? by HildeK
I think that the people posting .pdfs here think they are sending them to the Musecore elves in their Musescore Studio in the land of Neverwoz where overnight and by magic they transcribe the fuzzy picture into a brand new symphony made of pure shining gold.
In reply to I think that the people… by SteveBlower
... and here I thought I was an elf in Neverwoz. Mama lied to me!!! *LOL*
In reply to I think that the people… by SteveBlower
I think it's something deeper. Many are one-time only posters but some have been forum members for years. Possibly sleeper agents being activated to take over the land of Hyrule. We'll know for sure if an ocarina part turns up.
pls convert
In reply to pls convert by viiiitinsensu
You can convert it yourself
In reply to pls convert by viiiitinsensu
How much are you prepared to pay?
In reply to pls convert by viiiitinsensu
I'll do it for $100 (US) per page. (Or you can do it yourself for free :-)
Hallelujah - 3 gł. C (E. Z).pdf Hallelujah - 3 gł. C (E. Z).pdf
In reply to [inline:Hallelujah - 3 gł. C… by Emilia Ziegler
OK, how much are you prepared to pay?
In reply to [inline:Hallelujah - 3 gł. C… by Emilia Ziegler
OTOH that PDF stems a) from yourself and b) from MuseScore (3.0.2), so where's the problem, lost the mscz file?
In reply to [inline:Hallelujah - 3 gł. C… by Emilia Ziegler
I continue to find it astonishing that people obviously have not read the thread. They are apparently reading the title and NOTHING else. :-o
In reply to jpç~h by Giovanna.plm
As I said above, I'll do it ... for $100 per page.
Or you can try to scan it yourself at File / Import PDF. And then spend whatever time is necessary to fix the inevitable scan errors. It'll be free, though.
Or (probably the best option), since it's only 21 measures, just manually enter it. I would guess it'll take you 30-60 minutes, depending on how fast you are at entering notes. It will be free ... and it will also be right.
In reply to As I said above, I'll do it … by TheHutch
7 minutes, 32 seconds
In reply to 7 minutes, 32 seconds by underquark
I was talking about OP doing it. Yes, you or I (or most of the regulars here) could do it a lot faster.
In reply to I was talking about OP doing… by TheHutch
Then your 100$ per page is a quite hefty price...
In reply to Then your 100$ per page is a… by Jojo-Schmitz
Yes, I intend it to be so. It's ridiculously expensive in order to encourage people to input it themselves. If someone is so silly as to actually pay that much, I'll take the money without the slightest bit of shame.
In reply to Yes, I intend it to be so… by TheHutch
I'll do it for a LOT less, using SmartScore. $7.50 per page, edited.
I just ran a test. Under 10 minutes. Exported the XML, opened in MS 4.5 needing only small tweaks. A lot faster than MS's conversion.
In reply to I'll do it for a LOT less,… by mikey12045
I've never seen the audiveris that MuS uses take longer than a few seconds ... if it returns anything, it comes back quickly.
That said, I predict that, at that price, you'll get a lot of eedjits who don't want to spend the time to enter "Mary Had A Little Lamb" ... and you'll raise your price :-)
In reply to I've never seen the… by TheHutch
Let them come to me. I'll see if I need to go higher!