Is this possible?

• May 30, 2012 - 11:48

Hello, I am new to musescore and i would like to know if it's possilbe to do this:
this is a 4/4 measure and i can't seem to succeed at replicating it in musescore .
please help me and tell me what am i missing.
BTW there are 2 right hand voices if you didn't notice.
thanks in advance!

Thank you so much everyone for all the great help i don't know what i would have done without you!


In reply to by ChurchOrganist

i am sorry if i didn't explain my exact problem,
i can do the voices but i can't make the first voice in the right hand look exactly like what you did, it messes up the second note or the 4th.
i am sorry if i am not clear but this problem is really hard to explain .
could you maybe walk me through what you did to make the right hand first voice look like that?
another pic to illustrate the actual problem:

In reply to by elyawy

Here's a screencast of my actions to produce this measure:

A couple of operations were done using keystrokes - the accidentals were added by ctrl+selecting notes and using the down arrow, the stems were flipped in the LH using the X key after selection.

I did this in a nightly build of 2.0 which is why the UI looks different. The procedure is exactly the same in 1.2


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