MIDI File Imported onto Two Staves

• Feb 5, 2017 - 17:28

I'm extracting melodies (single tracks) from a Reason song file so as to print them in MuseScore. I delete everything from the Reason file except that one track, so the MIDI file has only one part.

Today I have a track that includes monophonic melody and also a section (a keyboard part) with chords. This leads to two related difficulties, which I'm hoping the power users can help with.

First, MuseScore imports the file onto two staves throughout, even though 2/3 of the file just has rests on the lower staff. I would like to remove most of the lower staff, leaving it only where it's actually needed (in one or two spots where there are two-handed chords). Is this possible?

Second, when the part includes two-note chords (in a homophonic rhythm), MuseScore transcribes one of the notes onto the upper staff and the other onto the lower staff. I would like to put both of them on the same staff -- and not as separate voices but with two note-heads on the same stem. Is there a way to cut notes from the lower staff and paste them into voice 1 in the upper staff without overwriting the notes that are currently in voice 1 on the upper staff?

I'm attaching the MIDI file (which still needs a little hand editing to remove a few note overlaps -- that's not a problem, it's just a detail).

I realize I may be pushing the envelope a little here. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

Attachment Size
SixtyFour melody.mid 24.66 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thanks -- that gets me part-way there. However, MuseScore doesn't want to implode notes that it thinks are in Voice 2. It just skips them. An isolated note can be switched to Voice 1 before imploding, but if MuseScore thinks it's seeing two notes of a chord _both_ as Voice 2, it doesn't seem to allow them to be converted to Voice 1.

I can resort to hand-editing, deleting these notes and re-inserting them with the mouse, if I have to ... but is there a way to put _all_ Voice 2 notes in a measure into Voice 1, even when they conflict in length with other notes that are already in Voice 1?

In reply to by Raymond Wicquart

Your implosion is more or less what I was seeing. Some of the notes on the lower staff (for instance at bar 102 and 103, also bar 86) simply don't make it up to the top staff during the implosion. This is, I think, because there's a conflict between Voice 1 and Voice 2, which MuseScore doesn't know how to resolve.

I'm going to do the necessary editing by hand. This will help me get to know the program better, so it's something I'm willing to do. And hey, this is free software! I'm not complaining. I'm throwing some tough challenges at it, and finding out where the edge cases are.

I did figure out on my own how to get rid of those ugly triplet markings in the middle. I converted to 12/8, added some bars, and slowed the data to 66% in Reason before exporting.

In reply to by Jim Aikin

I haven't looked at it, but what you describing sounds like you just need to swap voices 1 and 2 in 2nd line where it doesn't implode. Filter (F6) so you only copy voice 2 and paste it in the other line. MS is rather easy to use and can handle most of the challenges you will throw at it. You just have to micromanage it a little at times. The people in the forums are more than willing to help figure it out.

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