Score Cant be Read

• Feb 15, 2017 - 01:46

I worked on this score for a couple of months and I last opened it yesterday. However today when I tried to open it the following message appeared: Cannot read file C:/Users/Blackviolin89/Documents/MuseScore2/Scores/Shudder_Before_the_Beautiful Orchstral.mscz:


First: This should go under the "support and bug reports" section.

Can you find this in the start center or recent files? If you can open it from there, it's still able to be oppened.
I'm guessing that you're trying to open the back-up file version. When you view the file in the "scores" folder, make sure it has the MuseScore symbol as its icon. If it doesn't, it's a backup file.

In reply to by JSJViolin

I don't exactly know how to do this, but look under your "scores" folder in your documents. It should be under file/documents/MuseScore2/Scores. (I know it probably doesn't look that way, it proves I'm bad at programming). Anyway, there's a way to use backup files to recover a score. I don't know how to do that, but other users might.

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