Measure Properties (Stemless Application)

• Feb 25, 2017 - 22:50
Reported version

A little error with the coding in this dialog:
1) Enter notes into a measure.
2) Right-click and open the Measure Properties dialogue window.
3) Enable "Stemless"; press Apply. Voila, the score is updated accordingly.
4) Now, uncheck "Stemless" and press Apply. Non-Voila....
For the update to show on the score, a "Press OK" has to occur.
For the record, after "OK"aying and a re-entry into the dialogue,
an unchecking of ("Stemless" + Apply) will apply the settings properly.
Something isn't right here.
...Maybe it was fixed in the nightlies.



In testing your scenario I noticed that if you change the status of the stemless box and press apply the first time it accepts it. It doesn't matter how is started as long as you change it. If you change it back and press apply, it does not change back until you press OK. It appears that the Apply button is rendered useless after the first press. I set up 4 lines and tried changing them in various ways and only the first apply took, after that I had to press OK to change any stems. This is not fixed in 2.1 as of 8620022 (Feb 20).

I continued checking and all of this applies to the visible checkbox also.