Polyphony when playing chords?

• Aug 30, 2012 - 06:27

When entering a chord from my midi controller, only one note sounds, instead of three notes (if I'm playing a 3-note chord, for example). I noticed in a previous post (last year) that someone said that's what MuseScore does - although it will play back the chord AFTER you enter it. Is this still true? That it only plays one note of a chord when you are first playing it from your keyboard? Or is that something that's now been changed in MuseScore v. 1.2? And if it's been changed, how do you get it to play all the chord notes as you're playing it on your keyboard?

Thanks for your help.


That is still the case in 1.2

I'm not sure what's coming regarding this in 2.0, but as MIDI input is currently broken in the nightly builds (it will be fixed in the release version) it can't be tested

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