Making page of exercises with different time signatures

• Sep 25, 2012 - 12:07

Hi, there are lots of things I can't do here! I want to make a few pages of exercises for piano. They are in different time signatures and all one line long, and I realised that you can't change time signatures because it just carries on as if you were in the first one. So I have opened three different files, one for 4/4, one for 3/4 and one for 2/4. Now I want to copy and paste the 2 and 3 time ones onto different bits of the first one. First issue is I don't understand how to copy the whole line - it only seems to select if I click on a note and I want the clefs and time signature to copy as well. Secondly I don't get how to paste - I've clicked 'copy', clicked on the main document but nothing appears. Thirdly, if I ever do get to the stage where all the exercises are in one document, can I then move them around so they're mixed up?


Hi Heather,

Firstly it is easy to change time signature.

Simply drag the new time signature from the palette to the bar where you wish it to start.

If you then suppress the display of courtesy Time Signatures in the Style/General/Page dialogue you will be able to achieve what you are trying to do by using line breaks in the appropriate places.

To paste between documents, select the bars you wish to copy.

Make sure the time signature is correct

Then select an empty bar in the new document and choose Paste from the Edit Menu or hit CTRL+V


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