Feature to print (selection of) continuous view

• Mar 24, 2017 - 07:36

Dear all,

I am really looking for a way to export the "Continuous view". Right now I can select part of the continuous view save it and then export as a pdf but this way I still get rows beneath each other while I am looking fro one continuous flow... So I am really looking for the highlight in my attachment (preferably in a way to save it in high quality).

Could anybody tell me whether what I want is possible and / or this is feature which it to be developed?

Kind regards,

Attachment Size
Screenshot_1.png 81.45 KB


Zoom out to fit.
Use image capture tool. (Top Left, Camera icon)
Adjust area.
Copy (Press Ctrl+C)
Paste to a paint software. (outside) // I recommend "Irfanview" for this. Just open an Ctrl+V and save.

See attachment: (warning: 10931x409px)

Attachment Size
big-long-capture.png 85.53 KB

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