Defining playable notes
I have been using an old version of Musescore (0.9.x) for a number of year and just updated to the new version and I am very impressed. My use is mostly to do with arranging music for mechanical organs (which play from a paper roll or cardboard book). These organs often don't have a fully chromatic scale, so one needs to avoid the missing notes. My question is, is it possible to define the playable (or unplayable) notes for an instrument in order to make use of the note colouring facility? In the mechanical music world use is made of a "Gam" or "Gamme" file which identifies the playable notes. I have not been able to find such a facility in Musescore. Any ideas, or is this a feature request?
You're looking to similar like ?
Not sure if meanwhile the plugin is available, maybe reply there.
In reply to You're looking to similar by kuwitt
Thank you, Kuwitt, it is, indeed, virtually the same requirement - I didn't spot this post before. I have now added a comment on 163636 explaining my own project and hopefully encouraging the release of a plug-in.