Score transfer from 2.0.2 to 2.0.3

• Mar 28, 2017 - 18:12

Hi everyone,
I had been operating on Musescore 2.0.2 for a while and just updated to version 2.0.3. My scores from the previous version were automatically updated for the new version. When I opened a piece that I had completed previously in the earlier version, I saw that in the new version, certain items were out of place, making for a very sloppy looking score. The types of things I've noticed are crescendo markings that are now on overlaid on top of dynamic indications. (Do I need to manually and individually go and move them all back into position where I had them before?) Rehearsal letters had moved as well, sometimes sitting partially in front of chord labels. Dynamic markings are now covering up lyrics. These are the types of things I'm noticing. I have not seen if this is true across all of my scores, but I have seen this type of thing in at least two that I looked at, and I've only just glanced briefly. Is there a way to restore the formatting of my score as it was in the earlier version, or do I need to grab and move all of these objects one by one throughout each score as I encounter them? Thanks for your help in advance!


"Is there a way to restore the formatting of my score as it was in the earlier version, or do I need to grab and move all of these objects one by one throughout each score as I encounter them?"

Resetting layout: (Resetting all objects to their default positions.) <-Not for your earlier formatting
Open score: Ctrl+A , Ctrl+R

Most of what you are probably seeing are cescendos and decrescendos that moved horizontally. If you select 1 then right click and select all similar elements you can press the black arrow to the right of the horizontal offset in the inspector and they will get closer to where you started them. You will then need to do minor adjustments on many of them to put them where you want them.

There are a very small number of elements that might be expected to change when importing a 2.0.2 or earlier score into 2.0.3, but it should be pretty rare, and most of those cases are places where the behavior in 2.0.2 was actually a bug that was fixed in 2.0.3. I can't actually think of many reasons that any crescendos, dynamics, or rehearsal marks would move. What I *can* think is that the change in font rendering on some systems could result in some measures being slightly different sizes than they were before, which can occasionally affect how many measures per system, and could mean if you made very large manual adjustments to the position of some elements (like placing them in one measure but then dragging them to appear as if they were in another measure), these adjustments might no longer be appropriate. But these cases should eb quite rare. There could potentially be a difference in rehearsal mark positioning at the beginning of systems depending on how you defined your text style, for the most part it should be an improvement.

If you have specific concerns, please attach a sample score so we can see what might be going on. But be aware, 2.1 is right around the corner, probably not worth spending a lot of time fixing these occasional blips for 2.0.3 as there may be further rare / minor adjustments needed for 2.1 as well.

Thanks for everyone's input! I was able to make some global changes to dynamic labels and crescendo/decrescendo markings by first restoring them to default, and then using the select an object -> select all similar elements, and manipulating them altogether in the inspector. There are still some minor adjustments I am needing to make, but your comments saved me a tremendous amount of time! Thanks again!

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