changing fonts and sizes of individual lyric lines

• Apr 5, 2017 - 16:23

I have seen on the forum that this is a problem for many people. Musescore only allows you to set and change the size and font on lyrics on alternating lines (odd/even). This does not allow for writing music containing different languages.
Ex) a song with 4 verses that is written in chinese and english will need to have the first 4 verses written in a chinese font and the following 4 verses written in english font.

Any advice or hacks would be greatly appreciated!


In reply to by ElleCheng

In the Style->text... dialog box there is an option to change fonts on the even and odd lines for lyrics. In English they are labelled "Lyrics odd lines" and "Lyrics even lines." You can change font, font size etc. for each line. With what you are doing, this should be very useful...or maybe not.

This is not a problem to do in MuseScore, you just need to create as many text styles as you need. So go to Style / General / Text and hit the "New" button to create as many new styles as you need, givem appropriate names and properties. Now, enter your lyrics normally. When you are done, if you want to make some particular verse have one of those new styles you created, right click on lyric in that verse, Select / More / Same subtype (Verse), then use the Inspector to change the style.

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