Compiling MS under Windows 8

• Oct 24, 2012 - 19:18

I have been running Windows 8 (32-bit) for 3 days now and finally have most things set up the way I like. I got all the dependencies installed for MuseScore but kept getting the compile error "Qt: Untested Windows version 6.2 detected!". Turns out there is a nasty in CMAKE 2.8.9 which stops everything.

A patch was submitted for CMAKE which means that later CMAKE versions should be fixed for Windows 8, but until that happens this patch will do the trick. I found this on posted by Manuel Freiholz.

Edit file: %CMAKE%\share\cmake-2.8\Modules\FindQt4.cmake
Search for: OUTPUT_VARIABLE output ERROR_VARIABLE output
Replace the line with: OUTPUT_VARIABLE output

I have tested the compile with Qt 4.8.1 and it works and now have the latest fully compiled and operational build. You will still get the message about the "Untested Windows version" but they are ignored for now.


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