Extra Courtesy Key Signature
There is this strange Courtesy Key Signature that appears in bar 21 of the attached Morning (Clare Fisher).mscz . I don't know why it's there in the first place, but Hiding it, Setting Style-General-Page-Create Courtesy Key Signatures is unchecked.
Any help would be appreciated.
Ian Schwartz
Ottawa, Canada
You apparently inserted another key signature there (by accident?), just delete it and it will go away with no harm.
In reply to You apparently inserted by mike320
I don't know how I could insert another key signature, if it's the same key as I'm in. If you look at the screenshot I've included
the menu offers to "Show Courtesy Key Signature", yet the F# is already shown.
And if I click "Edit Element", Musescore appears to hang for a couple of seconds.
In reply to I don't know how I could by buckyschwartz@…
What is in that measure is not a courtesy key signature, it is a duplicate of the key signature in the first measure. You can actually duplicate it in every measure if you really wanted to, but of course no one wants to do that. So, unless you can tell us how to make it happen otherwise, you must have entered it, probably unknowingly.
As far as the courtesy key signature in the speed menu is concerned. If you put a line break in the measure before that key signature, you will get a courtesy key signature at the end of the line when it is on (shown), and no courtesy key signature when it is off (hidden).
edit: After further testing I discovered that courtesy key signatures are only created if the "new" key signature is different than the previous key signature, so your score will never show a courtesy key signature as it currently stands, you will need to enter a different key signature to see what I explained in the previous paragraph.