Unable to use custom time signatures

• Nov 10, 2012 - 06:32

Using 1.2 on Mac OS 10.6.8. I'm trying to use a custom time signature, in this case 3/2. However, no matter what custom time signatures I make up in Create: Time Signatures, they do not appear in the palette. At first I thought this might be simply because the pallette was not expanding to show the new signatures, but I expanded it so there is plenty of empty space and no custom time signatures are displaying. Just for fun, I made several other custom time signatures and none of them display in the palette.

Am I doing something wrong, or is this broken?


When you create a custom time signature, it's not added to the palette on the left of your screen. It's added in the dialog that appears when you go to Create -> Time signature, on the left side. You can then drag this time signature in the palette or directly on the score. A video to watch http://www.screenr.com/QRP

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