Creating a "For Rehearsal Only" Accompaniment in A Capella Music

• Apr 18, 2017 - 01:35

I am trying to insert a piano accompaniment line underneath the vocal lines in my choral piece. However, I am unsure of how to make the piano accompaniment line smaller (see attached PNG). I would be okay with the accompaniment line at regular size if I knew how to fit two systems on a page with room to spare for direction marks. Can anyone help me with either issue?

Attachment Size
fob example.png 86.02 KB
LOAM request.pdf 93.81 KB


To make a staff small, right click it, select staff properties and check the box next to small staff in the upper right portion of the window.

To fit two systems on a page, you'll need smaller music or less space betwene staves or less space between systems. See the Handbook under "Page layout" to learn how these controls work. if you need further help, attach your actual score and we can advise better.

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