Can't export to WAV

• Nov 27, 2012 - 17:52

I am running the most recent nightly on Windows 7. I open the program and try to export the sample score as a WAV file. It doesn't do so and when I try to close the program it stops working and I get a not responding message.


not confirmed, on Win XP pro SP3, c56fa93 (i.e. it works here).
It does take quite a while though until the .wav is created and in the meantime MuseScore indeed is unresponsive.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

This is one of the biggest reasons to have a simple progress window when importing and exporting anything. Right now there is no obvious indication that anything is happening. It could be as simple as "'Exporting XXX... please wait." but a progress %%% bar would be the best. Exporting to PDF, WAV etc, loading a large score, importing XML, they all can make it look like MS has crashed.

I tried again and this time did something else while I waited and it worked. I discovered in subsequent tests that there is a progress bar but smaller than in previous versions which is why I didn't notice it before.

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