Words/lyrics under neath main body of music
I only have two lines of music, and have put the first of 5 verses under the music, but to use the rest of the otherwise white page, how can I put in the other 4 verses in that space. I end up handwriting them on after printing.
If you select the first note of the piece and hit CTRL+L MuseScore will automagically start the second verse under the 1st verse you have already typed - if not - simpy hit Enter - that should bring the lyrics line down.
I believe Marc gave you the correct answer in http://musescore.org/en/node/19186#comment-70783:
Append a vertical frame (menu - create - append vertical frame) and add text to it (right click into the frame - add - frame text).
Actually I frequently (mis-)use lyricist and composer instead of frame text, lyricist for left aligned text and composer for right aligned text.