transpose chord symbols

• Jan 5, 2013 - 19:01

I'm a brand new user, so apologies if this has been hashed over. I'm having problems getting all chord symbols to transpose. I guessed that you needed to attach each chord to a note so that transposition could occur, but it is only transposing some, not all chords. Help!




See Chord name in the Handbook. What is most likely happening is that you are entering your chords incorrectly for the chord name style you have selected. MuseScore provides several options that cover the msot common styles of chord entry, but whichever you have selected, you have to live within its world. So if you are suing a style that expects "mi" for minor, that's what you need to do. If you'd rather use "-", you need to switch to a style that uses that. And if the style expects "sus" without a "4", you need to stick with that. You can get a complete list of accepted chords for each style by running plugins / lead sheet / chord chart.

I am a new user entering a Jazz lead sheet so that I can transpose it to the keys I need. Before entering chords, I changed style to MuseJazz.mss font, and then did Style/Edit General Style, selected Chordnames on left pane, and replaced the default with jazzchords.xml. After entering the entire lead sheet, I transposed it. All chords transposed correctly except the minor chords, which remained the same. I had entered A-7 for A minor 7. I tried re-entering the minor chords in different ways, like "Ami7" "Aminor7" "AMI7" etc., but they still don't transpose. With the font I used I noticed that if I enter "Gmaj7" it auto-corrects to "GMA7" and that does transpose fine, but nothing like that happens with the various ways I tried to enter the minor chords.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

In reply to by Shoichi

Please have a look at:

lasconic's reply in the above referenced link describes how to make a chord name 'lead sheet' - a great help to discover how to correctly 'spell' the chord name by double clicking on it.
Marc's reply gives hope of a better day when the next release of MuseScore (currently under development) will have a much improved chord symbol entry.

Anyway, for A minor 7 in jazzchords.xml, one would enter: 'Am7'. Once entered correctly (i.e. recognized by MuseScore), the chord will transpose along with the others.

BTW: This 'Translation' forum deals with MuseScore's translation into different languages. The 'Support and bug reports' would be the better place to go for help like this - more people will see it.
(I know, it was the original poster who opened this topic here...)


In reply to by Jm6stringer

Thanks for the information! That should get me going. That's funny that I posted in the translation forum - I just searched by topics and then decided I needed to post my own problem. Thanks for the tip on where to post future questions.

In reply to by kaybinabq

See the Hnadbook chapter on Chord name for more on the specific ways MuseScore wants you do enter chord symbols. in the various different styles "jazzchords" is no longer recommended for use; it is keptt around only for backwards compatibility. "cchords_jazz" is an improve3d version of the same basic style. These styles both use "ma" and "mi" for major and minor respectively, which is the convention used in the "New Real Book" fakebook series as well as most major publishers of big band and combo arrangements.

If you prefer to use "maj" and "-", see the "cchords_rb" (for "Real Book") style. "maj" is actually accepted as an alias for major in all styles because that one is hardcoded (well, it's loaded as part of another file). Similarly, "m" is accepted as an alias for minor in all styles. But they are converted to the "local" style of each file for display.

FWIW, in 2.0, this is all completely revamped. You will be able to type chord symbols however you like (within reason) and they will be rendered and transposed correctly, with no need to tell MuseScore ahead of time how you want to type your chords (although there will be option to choose between plain formatting and special formatting using superscripts and so forth).

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