Problem with fret number for plectrum/tenor banjo fret diagrams

• May 7, 2017 - 22:39

I am trying to create plectrum banjo fret diagrams and am having a problem. For chord melody on banjos, the fret marker (number) is conventionally placed on the right side at the highest fingered fret on the first string, which is generally the melody note. There seems to be no way to implement this with MuseScore currently.

In addition, it is often convenient for teaching chord melody that the fingering of various chord formations to not even show a fret marker number since the forms are movable up and down the fingerboard.

Please consider:

1) add "Highest" and "Lowest" Position radio buttons on the Styles-> General->Chord Symbols/Fingerboard Diagrams dialog

2) Add "Hide Position" checkbox to the Fretboard Diagram Properties dialog.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Sorry for the duplicate. The first comment showed "Unpublished" for some reason when I submitted it and I thought that might have been because it was really a feature request rather than a bug. It turned out that the "Unpublished" was caused by a bogus URL for my Facebook account (which has been fixed). Should I delete the first comment?

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