Skip notes in tie when entering lyrics

• Jan 27, 2013 - 20:33

I think it would be a good idea if notes in a tie are automatically skipped when entering lyrics.

What do others think?


I am not so sure. Usually there are no syllables under notes tied to previous notes, but I still have to see a music notation 'rule' which either has no special cases or has not been violated on purpose by this or that composer, style, genre.

I think there should be a way to skip the skipping and have a syllable there.

I also have doubts about the issue referred above.



It works perfectly well to hit space or minus an extra time. I have Encore on my Mac just to maintain old arrangements I've done years ago. Everything new I write with MuseScore. Encore jumps automatically over tied notes, when writing lyrics. And it's really annoying those times you want to add a syllable under the tied note, f.i. if the 2nd verse lyrics demand it.

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