Change instrument sounds of musescore

• Feb 11, 2013 - 05:40

I love Musescore and almost everything about it. However, I think that the sounds in Finale are quite superior to those of Musescore. Whenever I want to export to a wav, I have to first export to a midi or musicXML file and import it into Finale, and use it's "export to audio" feature to get a wav with the sounds I like. Is there a way to change the Musescore sound files to use Finale's instead? Help would be greatly appreciated.


As mentioned by others, you can easily install better soundfonts than the default.

It would be interesting to build a comparison, using a small set of samole scores of different types, generated with different soundfonts within MuseScore and by competing programs.

FWIW, my gut impressions is that the default soinds in MuseScore are roughly on par with the default sounds built in to most versions of Windows. The .smartsynth" sounds Fnale uses by default are a couple of notches up from that - roughly similar to the GeneralUser soindfont available for MuseScore. The FluidR3 soundfont available for MuseScore is better than the default sounds in Finale. But the Garritan soinds provided with Fmale are better still - if a lot more difficult to configue and use, at least in the versions of Finale I have used. Not sure how Sibelius fits in.

Someone with access to all of these programs could provide a useful service by taking a few sample scores (say, one solo piano, one small classical chamber ensemble, one larger ensemble, one pop/rock/jazz) and generating MP3's using each of these and posting them somewhere...

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