using Midi Keyboard: putting the notes in the right staves

• Feb 14, 2013 - 18:09


I've been using a MIDI keyboard since today and I'm gaining much time.

However, I have a big problem: when I play on my piano keyboard, Muse-score doesn't automatically put the notes in the right staves (first stave: G key ; second stave: F-key).

All the notes are put on one stave, the one chosen before beginning to play.
It quickly becomes unreadable... (see image). Very high notes are unreadable in F-key, and conversely low notes are unreadable in G-key...

I cannot believe Muse-Score doesn't have this functionality, and yet I don't understand where the problem comes from.

I would be very grateful to have help!


There is no way museScore can possibly know what hand you used to play which notes, so it can't decide based onthat. If you want to it to try to guess using a simlplistic algorithm like "put everything from middle C on up in the treble clef staff, everything else in bass clef staff", then see the Split Staff function when you right click a staff.

Overall, though, sice this is a very simplistic way of guessing which notes belong where that is unlikely to produce very usable results, you'll probably find it is usually to better to enter the two staves separately - that way you are on control of what goes where.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you for your answer,

I'm exactly looking for a function that "put everything" from a certain note in the corresponding clef.
I looked the "split staff function", but it seems very unstable. Some notes disappear, sometimes the function is not available (I can't figure out why). And above all, it splits the entire document, you cannot chose to do it only on a selection of bars. It actually create even more problems for me.

I am very disappointed because Muse-Score looked great. This function is really indispensable to me, and I guess it is to lots of people. Do you know any other free software that can do it, or do I have no choice but to buy a software like Finale?


In reply to by artal

Finale cannot eead minds either. I really do strongly suggest you simlly enter the staves separately - thats going to be the only way to get good results with *any* program.

Exit: if you are encountering some specific issue with the split staff function in MuseScore, you might try posting a specific example. Could turn out to be a ug that the developers would like to know about so they can fix it. Or it might turn out to be a misunderstanding.

As for the inability to work on a selection, that woild easily be worked aroind via copy and paste (copy the section to be worked on to a staff by itself, do the split, copy the results back, repeat for each section you want to work Fnale does support a flexibile split where you "draw" the separation in.

In reply to by artal

Yes, I find too that notes are lost after the application of the Split Stave function. Easily tested - just open a new single staff score, enter Chord of C Major (C5 through C4 (Middle C) + E above Middle C - i.e. C,E,G,middC,E) and split the staff with default split point = c3 (I dont know what this c3 refers to - not in manual) and you loose the low C and E notes (i.e. only the G is positioned on the lower staff).

I agree with the originator of this discussion thread that there ought to be a way to do this to speed input with a MIDI keyboard(the split stave doesn't do the job) but it's obviously a tricky one as indicated by Marc Sabatella. If, for speed you enter the full chord (which would normally be written across both staves) in he upper staff, it is currently not possible to later 'down staff' such notes (such a feature exists but only for single notes - see User Manual Ch 7 - Cross-Staff Beaming). That perhaps would be one way for an initial solution: you would select multiple notes and then do CTRL-SHIFT Down Arrow for instance. Another would be to do the cut via middle-c and then allow the former method to correct if required for hands. As I'm a bit new to this game, perhaps this is a load of nonsense! ALSO, On the subject of two-staff music (eg Piano etc), there are other features that would be useful for the future if I dont find the tricks sooner, like a quick way to toggle note entry between upper and lower staff and some other oddities I cant quite remember but will post when I can.

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