"Normaliza" the score

• May 17, 2017 - 14:41

Hi all, I'm new

I downloaded the software and I'm very delighted about its feautures.

I'm not a musician (I'm quite old) but I'm trying to learn playing piano and read the music score.

As I'm not so quick to transpose the notation, I'd like a plug in to do it for me.

I try to explain

If in the main key I've an alteration, I've to consider it while reading the score. In ex. a Bb variation in the key means that in the score is written the note B but I've to play the note A#.
More alteration I've, more difficult is it to me.

I'd like the plug in to transpose automatically all the notes with no alteration in the key meaning, in the example, I'll found in the score the note A# (and not the B), and consequently no variations in key

I know isn't professional, but.....





You want one of two things.

Either transpose the score to the key of C (no accidentals),
or simply delete the key signature entirely, forcing all accidentals to show up in the score.

I think this second option is what you want.

If you wish to eliminate the key signature and have the accidentals placed on each note, simply click on the key signature you wish to get rid of, then double click on the C major key signature in the Key Signatures palette. The notes on the staff will then display any necessary accidentals (which were formerly in the key signature).


Here's the result:


Attached is a score for you to try yourself.

Attachment Size
Key_Sigs.mscz 9.37 KB

Also, you wrote:
In ex. a Bb variation in the key means that in the score is written the note B but I've to play the note A#.

Technically, with a Bb signature the note 'B' is written, and a 'Bb' is implied - not an A# - so if you change to C major key signature, a Bb will be shown on the staff.
Of course, though, you can always change it to whatever you want...

Regards, and welcome aboard!

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