Volume of my score is really low when I upload it onto Musescore.

• May 22, 2017 - 04:43

When I uploaded a score onto Musecore, the volume of my score was really low, to the point that I can't hear it even with my volume maxed out . On the programme itself it sounded fine and I have checked all my mixers and all of them are at proper values. I'm currently using Musescore 2.1 on Windows 10 and this problem seem to have only surfaced for the new Musescore update. And also weird clicking sounds are appearing on certain parts of the score.


In reply to by SirNopp 2.0

The volume increase through the control panel is temporary. Have you tried to increase the volume through Synthesizer (and optionally save as default)?
Attach here your score. Use the "File attachments" option at the bottom of the page, just above the Save and Preview buttons when you're typing your post. Click on 'File attachments' it will become browse

In reply to by Shoichi

Hi there, I am aware of the equalizer of the synthesizer and have already tried to adjust it properly with reference to my other scores which are working fine. It seems that this is the only score that has such a problem when it is uploaded online. I'll attach the unfinished score and you can experiment with it if you like. I believe it's a synthesizer problem honestly ehehehe... Also the synthesizer kinda died near the end of what's in the score Idk what happened there...

Attachment Size
Wish.mscz 22.35 KB

In reply to by Shoichi

Hi, thanks for the help. However, I believe that there was a misunderstanding of the problem. The score in the programme running on my desktop has the appropriate volume, but not the one when playing back from online after I upload the score onto Musescore's website. You can try to upload the score onto Musescore and go have a listen yourself, its barely audible and that there is the problem I'm facing right now. Everything is fine on the programme however as soon as it gets uploaded everything just screws up :(

In reply to by Shoichi

Eh definitely only the standard soundfont being used. It's honestly quite odd and now that I updated the score, there is absolutely no sound at all :( and that audio source thingy requires me to link an external sound source to score and use that for playback which is not what I want...

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Untitled2.png 121.81 KB

In reply to by SirNopp 2.0

Rather than having all of us upload that score, would you mind sharing the link to your version? I know it's still a work in progress, and still a private score; But to ensure we're listening to the same thing you are, please post the sharing link here.

In reply to by SirNopp 2.0

It is not your browser or your system that is at fault here.
The audio generated for that score on the server seems to have the correct length (around 3:15), but is almost entirely silent. It holds one very clear but low click (around 10Hz) plop starting at 2m19.745s which decays during the following 2.678s.

The audio render on the server is likely at fault here. Your following step is indeed to contact support@musescore.com. In your email, tell them the link to the score and include my findings above.

In reply to by SirNopp 2.0

It's not the backend either. Exporting the score to MP3 from MuseScore 2.1 also result in an inaudible audio file. I guess something is making a very loud sound and the normalisation is getting in the way.
The problem is at 2m19s so around measure 97. Removing the glissando from "polysynth" to the very high note seems to solve the problem.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Interesting! Stupid of me to not verify if local export had the same issue…

If I export with 2.0.3 the resulting mp3 doesn't even seem to have the plop at 2:19, but is entirely flatlined. So the upside to that news is that it is not a regression introduced by 2.1 :-p

Instead of removing the above mentioned glissando, I've unchecked 'play' in the inspector for it; and indeed, now 2.0.3 export shows a nice waveform after export.

In reply to by jeetee

I have no idea what you just said, but the glissando to the really high note did kill my synthesizer a few times when it was being played back on my Musescore programme. The synthesizer just gave up playing anything as it reaches the high note and then slowly stutters back to life. It didn't lag out Musescore itself but the synthesizer fails to playback anything that was before the glissando part if you click on notes before it. However if you skip the glissando part, the portions afterwards would work perfectly fine. Now that I look at this, I'm very certain that this particular glissando part is the source of all these problems. As for the popping sounds, I kindda solved it by swapping out the "Ice Rain" voice to "Fantasia" as I read up that certain voices are causing the popping sounds.

For Windows:
Open the Windows volume mixer (i.e. right click on the volume icon in the taskbar) and check that all the volume sliders are turned up.

Volume_ Mixer.PNG

Also, where do you upload your score(s)?
I see no uploads from you on MuseScore.com.


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