DIsplaying scores on youtube
When I export scores to youtube, the video display is inconsistent.
Here is one:
....which is very clear.
Here is another
....where the content is rather tiny.
Is there anything I did wrong in MS4 that caused this difference? Within MS4 the pages are pretty normal.
"Send to YouTube" is a musescore.com feature, so go and ask there rather than here on musescore.org
In reply to "Send to YouTube" is a… by Jojo-Schmitz
Sorry, musescore.com is rather unresponsive, and I don't see the harm in asking on this forum, especially if it is related to score properties.
In reply to Sorry, musescore.com is… by Ali Wood
Their support being bad is no reason to ask here: it ain't gonna help in any form or shape
In reply to Their support being bad is… by Jojo-Schmitz
My guess is that there will be viewers of this forum who know something about (maybe) score properties, which is a musescore.org thing, so I think I'm entitled to eliminate that as a possible cause first. Looks like you're looking at the scores, anyway, sorry.
In reply to My guess is that there will… by Ali Wood
True, that might be the case. I don't see it though
Seems this is about
In reply to Seems this is about https:/… by Jojo-Schmitz
That's right, Jojo
In reply to Seems this is about https:/… by Jojo-Schmitz
And no, I can't see a reason in the score properties or settings
Even if the "spatium" setting is slighly different...
In reply to And no, I canm'tsee a reason… by Jojo-Schmitz
Ok. That does help to eliminate one angle! Now I can report it on the other forum.
Maybe see https://musescore.com/groups/improving-musescore-com/discuss/5290711