Solfeggio Input

• Mar 12, 2013 - 18:01

How difficult would it be to map solfeggio into MuseScore?
I'm thinking: J - K - L, U - I - O - P = Do Re Mi, Fah Sol La Si (and then J again for Do).
A through G could remain for absolute pitch input, but J ... P would enter notes based on the selected key signature.
I have mapped J...P to a particular key, and find input quicker and more intuitive, like playing at the piano keyboard.
However, it is a lot of work (if one were to do it), to remap keys each time one wants to change key signature.
Alternately, one could map them once, say, to C D E F G A B (C). Compose in C or C-minor. Then transpose the score afterward. Obviously, other key bindings would need to shift to other locations.


I would love to see something like this implemented in MuseScore. Actually I'd like to suggest a new input method that a user could switch to that is based on relationships to the tonic in the key signature: there are enough keys on a standard computer keyboard you could map "Do Re Mi ..." onto the main row of the keyboard (say ASDF = "Do Re Mi Fa" and JKL = "Sol La Ti"), the raised pitches "Di Ri ..." onto the upper row and the lowered tones "Ra Me ..." onto the lower row. This would make note input so fast for me because I naturally think in terms of relative pitch when transcribing music from my head and struggle translating that into absolute pitches for input.

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