iOS version for iPad?
Is there any plans to make a mobile version of MuseScore for the iOS platform? I would absolutely love to have this program on my ipad so that I can work away from my studio to continue working on scores.
I have tried Presonus Notion on my iPad and desktop PC and whilst it is pretty good, I find it quite buggy. Sometimes when I transfer scores from my iPad to my PC they don't always display the layout and font's the same.
As a result I've been considering changing to Steinberg's Dorico but this is quite a step up in price!!
It would be brilliant to have an iOS version of MuseScore!
I know this is not exactly your question, but just for info you can get musescore studio on tablet "now" by using a Microsoft Surface.
If you also have access to a Windows PC then using RDP on iOS might help. (It certainly works with Android).…