"Join selected measures" clears the subsequent accidentals in atonal key sig

• May 29, 2017 - 08:58

1) Open this file (with Atonal key sig): Join test.mscz

2) Select the three measures -> Edit -> Measures -> Join selected measures

Result: unexpected by the removal of the subsequent accidentals (that were be in the third measure, now joined)

- I agree that with an "usual" time signature, that would be as expected (eg with this file: Test join accidentals.mscz ). But in the case of the "Atonal" key signature, that is a problem, right?


I encounter this by entering this score (extract):

And so, after joined the measures, you don't get the wished result: Bley test.mscz (file at the step before Join selected measures)
Simply invisible barlines is better here.

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