Changes to default filepaths in MuseScore2.ini

• May 31, 2017 - 11:09


I need to change the default filepaths used by MuseScore for Templates, plugins etc. This must be done because our users share multiple computers and therefore use different computers all the time. When these files are placed on the local computer the users won't have access to them when they switch computers.
I would like these filepaths to point to a network share instead.

I found out that these filepaths are presented in the MuseScore2.ini file created in the local users "Appdata" catalog. This means that I have to create a new default MuseScore2.ini file with the correct filepaths and copy these out to all the users usersprofiles on all the different computers. This is not a suitable solution.

I would much rather like to have the option to change the location of the MuseScore2.ini file, so that I can place the MuseScore2.ini file on a network share and point all installations of Musescore to this file.

Another way would be to have these filepaths put into the registry of the computer. We could then create a default .reg file that changes these filepaths for the users.

Is there any way your developers could implement something like this in a new upgrade?
Or do you already have a solution to this "challenge" I'm stuck with?


How about storing templates plugins and so on on a network path?
Or even use the portable version of MuseScore and store that completely on a network path?

In reply to by SqueezeBoxer

Yeah, storing templates etc.. on a network path is a good temporary option.

But the MuseScore.ini file also contains a lot of other user defined options that users will loose access to when logging on to a different computer.

Having 30+ users running MuseScore portable from a network share at the same time will only cause problems with files being locked by other users. So that is not an option unfortunately.

You should be able to override the path where MuseScore2.ini is created if you run musescore.exe -c th_path_you_want. Does that help? if yes, you can probably create a shortcut to add the option.

I said "should" because it's probably not the best tested options in MuseScore...


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

That would defenitly solve my problem!
..If I can get it to work.

I've tried a couple of cmd lines but it does not change the config file location, nor does it retrive the new config file when i create it and try to change some of the filepaths inside.

I'll continue to test a few different options, and if I get it to work I'll post my solution.

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