Notation Question-Surely this MUST be something simple

• Jul 8, 2013 - 17:05

Hi all,
Just found Musescore and loving the product, but cannot figure out something that I am certain is very simple. Trying to have (if I am describing it right), 1/8 notes, 1/8 notes. 1/16th notes and 1/8 notes all in the same measure. I attached a copy of what I am trying to do. Every time I try to enter two sets of 1/8 notes, it makes it into 4 1/16 notes.

There must be an easy way to accomplish this.

Thanks in advance for any guidance!


Attachment Size
notation.jpeg 85.22 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Hi Jojo and thanks for the reply. I will look at the links you sent in more detail, but I think I am following the directions as noted. And yes, this is drum notation. My problem is that after entering N, selecting Hi-Hat, then selection quarter notes, I cannot enter 2 notes, then 2 notes. Every time I enter the 3rd and 4th note it automatically connects them to the 1st 2 notes. I would think 1/8 notes would show as pairs, and 1/16th notes would group 4.

Thanks again for your help!

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