Blank part tab name after export

• Jun 14, 2017 - 10:35

I'm working on a score for a wind quintet. The parts are connected to the score as separate tabs. The names of the tab are the part names. I wanted to export the A clarinet part so that I could create an optional Bb clarinet part.

From the A clarinet tab I selected Export and specified the file type as an uncompressed musecore file, and I have the name as Bb clarinet.

The export produced a new file that I was independently able to edit and change the transposition. But here's there problem: then tab name of the A clarinet part has become blank. I can't find a way of getting it put back to "A clarinet".

I seem to remember I came across this one before, but I forgot the doge where one needs to cancel the edit session after the export of the new part so that the blank name isn't saved.

Is there somewhere I can get the name back into the tab? As a last resort can I manually edit the xml file?

This is happening on ms 2.1



As a last resort, yes you can edit the XML :-) If you're looking at anm MSCZ, open it in a ZIP program, then extract the MSCX, which is in XML format and not hard to figure out for stuff like that.

Meanwhile, though, it would be helpful if you could attach the file so we can see if there are any clues to what went wrong - or perhaps you can find precise steps to reproduce the problem from scratch?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

This seems to be a bug in 2.0.3, which is the file was previously edited in 2.0.3 will spring when the following steps are attempted in 2.1:

create a new wind quintet score
add notes to all parts
save file
File>Parts> All new
Select Bb clarinet
change name to A-clarinet and type to uncompressed musescore file

Maybe I'm not doing this the correct way.
I can't recreate the problem if the original score is created under 2.1


In reply to by richardm999

Finally got a recreation scenario for ms 2.1 (it's not a 2.03 bug)

Create new score (call it test), I selected string quartet
All new
save the new score (eg test.mscz)
Select the viola tab
save a copy (use a unique name, eg test-Viola.mscz)
open the saved viola mscz (test-vla) while keeping test open.
switch to the test tab and you should see that the viola part has lost its name.

It's the concurrent opening of the saved part and the original score that causes the tag for the viola to lose its name.

I tried this on a 3.0 build from last week but couldn't recreate it.

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