Drum Input Palette should not automatically open in note input mode

• Jun 22, 2017 - 11:24

When you enter note input mode on a percussion staff, the Drum input palette (DIP) automatically opens. But the best way to enter drum notation is through an external MIDI keyboard or the virtual piano keyboard—and these don't need the DIP at all. You only need the DIP if you wish to enter notes directly from it or to remind you about shortcuts (but advanced users may be able to recall the latter from memory).

IMV, the best default behaviour is for the DIP not to automatically open when note input mode is engaged. Instead, provide an option for the user to tick if they want it to open (in "View"?): if unchecked, the DIP will always stay hidden.


I would also take issue with the assumption that MIDI or piano keyboard are the best ways of entering drum notation. Might be for someone very experienced in electronic drum programming via keyboards who knows very well which keys trigger which sounds, but for the average user, the palette is absolutely essential.

On second thoughts. The default behaviour doesn't need to change. But could an option to turn off the automatic display of the Drum input palette be added?

In reply to by geetar

I could live with that, although rather than an "option", I think it makes more sense to treated it like other windows - something you can just close, or maybe minimize. And once closed/minimized, it might remain so until you explicitly restore it.

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