
• Sep 8, 2013 - 12:23

Hello, my name is Frans and I'm new on this forum.
My question: by a lot of sounds concerning percussion, beats and drums in Musescore, when clicking on it, I hear a noice, tick, or kind of buzz, right after the sound. For example in unpitched: Cuica, templeblocks, claves, guirto, cabasa, quijada etc. Also in toms and other snare- or basdrums.
Is this normal?
When playing on my house-set they're still there, so I know that my pc-speakers aren't the problem.
Who can give me some advice?



There is indeed some sort of issue with the attack and/or release of certain sounds in the current version of MuseScore. I believe this has already been fixed for the next version. If you would like to try it out, you can download a nightly build, but it has other playback issues not resolved yet that cause worse artifacts right now when using the default soundfont. Substituting a different one - such as the full version of FluidR3 as opposed to the compressed version that is the new default - would presumably work around that. This is very much pre-release, though - still a ways off from being ready for much "real" use.

Thanx Marc and Chen,

For a long time I thought that the 1.3-version was the most recent one.
Is the 2-version much better, and where can I download it?

Gr. Frans

In reply to by xavierjazz

Unfortunately, the temptation to throw caution to the winds is very strong when you're working on a project that requires a fix that appears in the nightly builds. (...and two weeks later, when your virus protection software starts thinking the Musescore patches are viruses, you're really screwed)


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